Wednesday, August 12, 2009

house negros and hair politics

I haven't really talked much about the comments that were tossed around when Solange decided to cute her hair off. the way some of these negroes acted, you would have thought the woman ran around a church nekket while touching herself inappropriately with a bible!

and apparently, that church would be Our Lady of Sacred Relaxer.

It's something else when you see a people so brainwashed into thinking that black hair must be straight hair in order to make a black woman attractive. Even some black women are so dedicated to this notion, that they are willing to come down like a ton of bricks if you don't play along.

"I don't get the whole shave my head thing. It's not edgy, it's attention seeking....Personally, i keep it cut and clean. don't bring no razors near my crown."

and while still pretty negative, that's not nearly as ugly as some of the comments have been. and Solange's response to it all was what led me to start following her on Twitter.

anyway, here's a pic of what so many are talking trash about.

she looks lovely. house negroes can be some of the biggest haters, man.

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